Sarah Curl
Toronto Lead Professional Engineer

location Canada


Sarah is an experienced engineer with over 20 years experience specializing in fire protection engineering and building code consulting. Experience ranges from building and industrial reviews to acting as the owner's representative on mega projects. Sarah has served on the APEGGA Practice Standards Committee and the Alberta Safety Codes Council for the Fire Technical Council. Sarah provides building and fire code consulting services from the conceptual design stage through to successful construction completion. Services include identifying valuable building code design options, determining barrier-free accessibility compliance, reviewing and developing equivalent approaches to prescriptive building and fire code requirements, coordinating with the project team and building officials, and reporting on the applicable design approaches

Sarah offers building and fire code consulting services from the conceptual design phase through to construction completion. In each project, she transforms building code requirements into valuable design approaches, ensuring compliance with prescriptive building and fire code requirements.

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  • Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification (RHFAC) Training, Vancouver Community College, Vancouver, BC, 2021
  • Masters Certificate in Project Management, Gardiner Centre (through York University), St. John’s, NL, 2016
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical), Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, 1999